Happi Tummi - Happi Tummi Giraffe Waistband and Herbal Pouch
Happi Tummi - Happi Tummi Giraffe Waistband and Herbal Pouch

Happi Tummi - Happi Tummi Giraffe Waistband and Herbal Pouch

Regular price $29.99

Just warm the herbal pouch in your microwave for 15 seconds, place it in the pocket of Giraffe, then wrap your baby in the swaddling warmth and comfort. Soon your baby will be resting and so can you.

Happi Tummi includes the Girafe waistband which holds the heated herbal pouch against your baby's belly. The patented herbal pouch works its magic through a mix of seven ingredients including lavender, chamomile, lemongrass and peppermint— all sourced from the country of origin.

The combination of binding, the Girafe Happi Tummi belly wrap & warming the herbal pouch instantly calms your fussy baby suffering from gas, colic, constipation or acid reflux.